NEW SHOW ALERT!!! (4/12/24)

Peace Y’all!!!

It’s been a long long LONG time since I’ve made one of these posts, and I apologize for the silence. I hope all of you are having a great 2024 so far. Mine’s been pretty good so far, just been staying low, working on new beats for the store, making IRL connections with artists and just living life! …Well, that’s not all that’s been happening; I’ve also been getting booked for shows, hence this post!

Next month, on FRIDAY, APRIL 12th 2024, I’m back at it again with the QSTV Fam! Me, Vicky Casis, Jrconomy, Brown Jewel, Pozibelle, and a bunch of other amazing musicians are taking our talents to NUBLU in downtown Manhattan. There’s gonna be a mix of performances. We’ll have DJ sets, a live band performance and 2 beat cyphers (one might actually be a BATTLE, but you’ll just have to pull up to see).

Anyone who’s an oldhead like me might wanna get a coffee, Red Bull or a 5-hour energy before the show because doors open at 11:30PM and the show starts at MIDNIGHT! Whatever you do, DO NOT sleep on this show…you can sleep afterwards lmao. Tickets are available at the link below! Definitely come show your support, the more people that buy tix with the show, the more money that lines our pockets. Some of us got equipment we wanna buy, some of us got babies, and some of us got both, so your support would mean alot!


